How to Deep Clean a Germy Cell Phone (Without Damage)

  Время чтения 6 минут

In today’s world, our cell phones are constant companions, but they can easily become breeding grounds for germs and bacteria. Deep cleaning your phone is essential to maintain hygiene and reduce the risk of transferring unwanted pathogens to your hands and face. This article will guide you through safe and effective methods to sanitize your phone without damaging it, ensuring you and your device remain in top shape.

Understanding the Risks: Why Clean Your Phone?

Two clear bottles with labels and a plush towel on a wooden table, cozy living room background.

Although phones are a lifeline in our daily activities, they also have the unwanted distinction of being a hotspot for germs. Research has shown that smartphones can carry more germs than a toilet seat, which is unsettling considering how frequently we handle them. These germs can lead to various health concerns, including spreading illnesses like the common cold and flu. By integrating regular cleaning into your routine, you can mitigate these risks and promote better hygiene for yourself and those around you.

Gather Your Cleaning Supplies

Before you begin the cleaning process, it’s important to gather the right materials to ensure a safe and effective clean. Harsh chemicals and abrasive materials can damage your phone, so be cautious in your choice of cleaning supplies. Consider the following items:

  • Microfiber cloths: These are gentle on screens and effective at picking up dirt without scratching.
  • 70% isopropyl alcohol: A diluted alcohol solution is effective in killing germs without damaging the phone surface.
  • Cotton swabs: Helpful for reaching small crevices and ports.
  • Distilled water: To dilute cleaning agents or gently wipe the screen.
  • A small bowl or spray bottle: To mix cleaning solutions.

Deep cleaning your phone involves more than a quick wipe down. Follow this detailed process to ensure a thorough clean:

  1. Power off your phone: This prevents any accidental taps and keeps you safe from electric shocks.
  2. Remove the case: Clean both the phone and case separately to ensure all germs are addressed.
  3. Mix your cleaning solution: Combine equal parts of distilled water and 70% isopropyl alcohol. If using a spray bottle, lightly mist your microfiber cloth – never spray directly onto the phone.
  4. Wipe the phone’s surface: Use the cloth to gently clean the phone in circular motions, paying special attention to the screen and high-touch areas.
  5. Use cotton swabs for crevices: Moisten a swab with the cleaning solution to get into the charging port, microphone, and speaker areas.
  6. Let it dry: Allow your phone to air dry completely before placing it back in its case and turning it on.

What Not to Do: Avoid Common Mistakes

While the steps above guide you toward a safe cleaning routine, there are common missteps that can lead to damage if not carefully avoided. Do not use bleach, window cleaners, or other harsh chemicals, as these can strip away protective coatings on the phone. Similarly, avoid using paper towels, which can create tiny scratches on the screen. Most importantly, never submerge your phone in liquids, as this can lead to permanent water damage. By steering clear of these mistakes, you preserve both the functionality and longevity of your device.


Deep cleaning your cell phone is a crucial yet simple step to enhance your hygiene practices. While the task may seem daunting given the delicate technology involved, the right materials and methods make it achievable for anyone. By maintaining a regular cleaning schedule and avoiding common pitfalls, you ensure that your phone remains a safe and healthy extension of yourself. Incorporate these practices into your routine to keep germs at bay and your phone sparkling clean.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use a hairdryer to dry my phone after cleaning?

No, using a hairdryer can blow moisture into the phone’s components, potentially leading to damage. It is safer to let your phone air dry naturally after cleaning.

How often should I clean my phone?

For optimal hygiene, it is recommended to clean your phone at least once a week, though during flu season or a pandemic, increasing frequency to several times a week is advisable.

Is it safe to use alcohol wipes on my phone screen?

Yes, using wipes that contain 70% isopropyl alcohol is generally safe for phones and effective at removing germs without damaging the screen when used properly.

Can I use vinegar as a cleaner for my phone?

Vinegar is acidic and not as safe for electronic devices as alcohol-based solutions. It may cause damage to the screen or other components. Stick to recommended cleaning agents.

What should I do if I accidentally get liquid into the phone’s charging port?

If liquid enters the charging port, immediately power off your phone and do not charge it until the port is completely dry. Attempt to dry it with a cotton swab or let it sit overnight to air dry.